Wednesday, May 12, 2010


We watched a movie about a woman in the Middle East. The story tells that her husband wanted another wife and was planning to divorce her, but she didn’t agree. So, the priest of the tribe came and tried to convince her that she should agree, because he was going to give her the house and all her daughters.

The husband extorted the priest saying that he knew the priest’s past, that was not clean. So the priest made to her an offensive suggestion, she didn’t accept again. So they accused her of adultery and she needed to prove her innocence, but she couldn’t.

The end is very sad, the entire village stoned her. Her father was the first, her husband the second, then her sons, then the entire village.
This movie was very sad, as the teacher said, it is a movie for us, but for millions of women it is a reality and their life.

1 comment:

  1. Middle East, the story (PUNC)

    made to her (OW)

    accused her guilty of adultery (OW)

    Great job!
