Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kuwait- Tiny but Rich

Kuwait is a country in the Middle East, its name derived from a word in Arabic that means ‘fortress built near water’. Its area of 6,880 sq mi and has 3.4 million people. Its oil reserve is the fifth largest in the world, is the eleventh richest country globally and has the 2nd highest HDI in the Middle East, losing just to Israel.

In addition, 95% of its exportations are represented by petroleum and 80% of the money that the state earns comes from this black gold. So, what are they going to do if they run out of petroleum? They need to work out this answer fast.

The weather in March (Spring) is warm and with some thunderstorms, the best period of the year there. They have also sandstorms generated by the Shamal, a wind that comes from NW.

The architecture was very influenced by the Islamic culture, for example, the most famous landmarks of the country are the Kuwait Towers. Even though they were designed by a Swedish architect, and they blend the Islamic architecture (the one used in mosques) and the modern constructions.

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