Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sweden:Why did I choose it?

Sweden is a Nordic country on the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe. Sweden is the 3rd largest country in the Europe Union in terms of area, it has 9.2 million inhabitants. Sweden emerged in the 17th century.

Sweden is famous for the Germanic people that lived in it, the vikings who had invaded and settled in parts of Eastern Europe, Constantinople and the Caspian Sea in 9th and 10th centuries.

I picked Sweden because I couldn't pick another I'd like to, but I like Sweden very much because of its weather and its views.


  1. So cool that someone picked a Scandinavian country. I come from from Scandinavia and it's really worth seeing! :) Have fun studying Sweden!

  2. Skul! ha ha! You have to learn this swedish word if you study Sweden.
    One of my good friend is from this contry and I spend one Christmas in a Swedish community. Well, they are fun and nice people. Trust me they know how to enjoy a party! No fish to watch under the water but only in your plate ! Have fun!

  3. Josue,

    I can't wait to read all about your blog. I know nothing about Sweden, so I'm looking forward to learning more about it. The only thing that I've ever hear is that it has beautiful women... perhaps that is why you have picked it??? Ha ha.... just kidding! I had no idea you liked fishing so much. You will have to tell me more about breeding fish someday.

    A couple of suggestions for you:

    In the "About Me" section:
    . fix the punctuation in the first sentence; you should have 2 separate sentences, or take away the second "I'm"
    . living in USA (add a word)
    . people here in USA (add a word)

    Sweden: Why did I choose it?
    . in the Northern Europe (omit a word)
    . 3rd larger country in Europe Union (3 mistakes)
    . area, it has 9.2 (punctuation)
    . the Vikings. Who had invaded
    . and Caspian Sea in 9th and 10th (add articles)
    . pick another country I'd like to (omit words)
    . but I liked Sweden (verb tense)
    . very much, because (punctuation)

    Great job! Keep it up!


  4. Hi Jossue, it seems like you know a lot about Sweden, doesn't it?

  5. Wow!I don't know anything about Sweden so your blog is very interested to me. This studying is good way to travel without leaving, isn't it? :)
